Bringing home a new kitten? We’ve got you covered to ensure your new kitten has the best start to life. Getting a new kitten can be very exciting but also very daunting! Amid all the fun and excitement, it’s important to remember the practicalities. As much as we love kittens’ playfulness and curiosity, it’s this exact nature that could lead them to get their hands on plants or household items that pose a great risk to their health. To take the stress out of the process, our team of pet experts have put together the ultimate guide to ensure you are stocked up on all the kitten essentials and supplies and have everything you need before your feline friend arrives. Cats are independent little creatures, but they still require time, attention, and care, and investing this time when they are kittens will pay off in the long run.

When your kitten arrives

When you bring your new kitten home, you may like to bring some unwashed bedding from their previous home with them so that they can smell their old familiar environment during this time of adjustment. It is also recommended to confine them in a small and safe area of the house to build confidence and as they grow you can slowly allow them to explore more of their new home. Whether you plan on having your cat live indoors, outdoors or a bit of both, we recommend implementing these living arrangements early on as they will be much more likely to cope. The Feliway diffuser and spray can be helpful to create a comforting environment at home and reduce the signs of stress.


It is important to create a safe and cosy sleeping space where your kitten can sleep, rest and feel safe while they settle into their new environment. Cats sleep up to 17 hours a day, and this is no exception when they are a kitten, so a warm and comfortable bed is essential. You should choose something soft, warm and comfortable that they can cuddle up to. Beds with higher sides provide added security, while some cats prefer to be completely enclosed in something like an igloo. Your kitten will grow quickly, so keep that in mind when choosing your bed!


It is important that your kitten is fed a high-quality diet, to give them the best start to life. Firstly, ask the shelter or breeder what food your kitten is currently eating. If they are feeding a premium food, you may choose to stick with this brand. If you are to change their diet, it is important to ask the breeder for some of the food so you can gradually change their diet. This will ensure they don’t get an upset tummy. Most kitten foods are designed to feed up to 12-18 months of age, where you can slowly transition to adult food.

Flea, tick and worm treatment

It is important to make sure your little kitten is protected from nasty parasites including intestinal worms, heartworm, fleas, ticks and mites. Some parasites can be life threatening, so this is an absolute must. There are many safe and reliable products on the market suitable for kittens as young as 2 days of age. We recommended discussing these options with your veterinarian to ensure your kitten is protected as early as possible.

Scratching Post

Scratching is a natural behaviour for cats and investing in a scratching post is effective in preventing your kitty from performing this behaviour on your lounge or other indoor surfaces. Scratching allows your cat the shed the outer husk of their claws and release pheromones, and there are various options available from portable cardboard cat scratching boards to deluxe scratching jungle gyms.


Good quality treats are a great way to reward your kitty and start to build a bond. Treats can be used to help reward good behaviour and let your kitty know they are a good girl or boy, or simply as a bit of extra excitement. When you give your kitten treats, you want to feel confident knowing you are choosing the best treats for them. Make sure you choose treats small in size and suitable for their growing teeth. You can also choose liquid treats for extra fun.


Play is super important for your kitten as they grow, so it is important they have access to good quality, stimulating toys. You should invest in long lasting, age and size appropriate toys that will keep your kitty busy and entertained. Soft, cuddly toys are a good idea to help your pet settle into their new home, while interactive toys like chasers and teaser wands are fun for play time. You can also choose toys with catnip for added stimulation. As they grow, you will start to learn what toys they love!

Food and Water Bowls

You will need two good quality bowls to allow your pet access to their food and water. A heavy ceramic bowl is a great choice for water as it keeps water cool and is difficult to tip over. You may want to place a couple of water bowls around your house to ensure they always have access. There are various options of food bowls available that are hygienic and easy to clean. It is important to choose something suitable to your kitten’s size, and they won’t tip over. There are also various interactive options available that can slow down eating and make meal time fun.

Toilet Training

Cats are clean animals so toilet training should come naturally to your new kitten. It doesn’t hurt to check with the breeder whether your kitten was using a litter tray prior, so you can select a tray they are familiar with. There are many litter trays and boxes available so your kitty can be safe and comfortable when they do their business. It is important to make sure the entrance of the litter box is big enough for your kitten to go in and out of easily to minimize stress. It is recommended to place the litter tray in a private and quiet location and clean often to encourage your kitty to go in the right place. There are also many options of litter available including crystals, pellets, clumping litter and more. Kittens can sometimes attempt to eat the litter, so it is recommended to use something more nature like recycled paper or plant based litters.


Many people like to introduce their kitten to a collar as early as possible so they can get used to having one around their neck. Cat collars come with bells which are useful for locating your kitty and quick release buckles which help pull the collar straight off if your curious cat becomes stuck on an object. A soft, adjustable collar is a good start to get your kitten used to wearing one. Be sure to check on the collar weekly as your kitten grows.


Grooming your new kitten be a great time to practice trust and bond with your kitty. It can also help to remove loose hair and control shedding. Some breeds of cats, like ragdolls are prone to matts which can be difficult to remove if you don’t keep on top of it. Regular brushing can help to keep your cat’s coat under control all year round. Start with a soft brush when they are young and sensitive, and move to something firmer if their coat requires more extensive brushing down the track.