Thinking of getting a cat? - Woonona Petfood & Produce

Thinking of getting a cat?

If you’ve been considering adding a furry friend to your family, a cat may be the perfect choice for you. Cats are independent, affectionate, relatively low-maintenance, and make great companions for both individuals and families. They are known for their playful and curious nature, and their ability to provide comfort and companionship to their owners. But before you make the decision to bring a cat into your home, there are a few things to consider.

What is their lifespan?

Owning a cat is a long-term commitment that requires time, patience and love. Cats have an average lifespan of 15-20 years, which means you are responsible for the health and wellbeing of your feline friend for a significant period of time. Cats may be independent, but they still rely on their owners for food, shelter and attention. From the moment you bring your cat into your home, you must be 100% committed to their health and happiness for their entire lifespan. 

Should I get a kitten or adult cat?

While kittens are undeniably adorable and can bring a lot of joy and energy into a household, adult cats have their own unique charm and can make great companions too. 

Acquiring a kitten is fun and exciting, and allows you to start developing a bond from a very young age. Kittens are also energetic, and require a lot of attention as they are still learning and developing. On the other hand, adult cats are more independent and can entertain themselves for longer periods of time. They may also be less demanding in terms of playtime and training, making them a good choice for busy individuals or families. A confident adult cat is very likely to move in and settle down quickly. You should be able to get a good idea of their personality, and be more confident leaving that at home knowing they are less likely to get themselves into trouble. We highly recommend speaking to your local pound or shelter about adopting a cat.

Can I keep a cat with a busy lifestyle?

Cats can fit into busy, modern lifestyles more easily than dogs because of their independence. They can also be left alone more easily because they spend a large portion of the day sleeping. Cats make a great companion for people who have busy lifestyles but want some companionship when they come home to relax. 

What type of cat should I get?

Choosing the right breed of cat for you and your lifestyle can be a difficult decision. There are so many different breeds to choose from, each with their own unique characteristics and personalities. It is important to do your research and consider your own preferences and needs before making a decision. Some breeds, such as the Maine Coon, are more people orientated, therefore may not like to be left alone for long periods. Other breeds, such as the Siamese, are known for being vocal and energetic, while longer hair breeds, like the Persian, shed a lot of hair and require frequent grooming. 

You should consider how each breed would fit into your lifestyle. For example, if you don’t have time to groom your cat daily, we would strongly discourage getting a Persian cat with a long coat. No matter which breed you choose, remember that each cat is an individual with their own unique personality, so be open to surprises and enjoy the journey of finding your perfect feline companion.

How much space does my cat need?

Cats can live happily in small apartments, provided they have an enriched and stimulated environment that meets their needs for climbing and play. While a small space may be suitable, there must be ample room for at least one scratching post and a quiet, safe space to sleep. Kittens are known to be more active than adult cats and like to have space to run and play. So, if you live in an apartment, adopting a relaxed older cat may be a more suitable choice. 

Can I keep my cat indoors?

Yes, you can keep your cat indoors, providing you offer an environment that meets their needs for exercise and enrichment. If your cat lives indoors, you should offer them plenty of climbing space, toys, hiding areas, and scratching posts. You should also allow time everyday for playtime and games to encourage exercise and prevent boredom. While being outdoors can offer physical and mental stimulation, as well as an outlet for natural behaviour, it poses a range of risks for your feline friend. We recommend enclosing a portion of your garden or outdoor area to allow your cat to enjoy being outside while being kept safe. 

Should I get a male or female cat?

The decision should be based on the individual cat’s personality rather than their sex. Whilst some argue that male cats are more playful and energetic, while female cats are more independent and less demanding of attention, this isn’t always the case as each cat has its own personality. The sex of a cat doesn’t matter too much, the most important thing is that you neuter your cat when they are a kitten as un-neutered cats may exhibit unwelcome reproductive behaviours. 

Should I get a cat if I have a dog?

Many dogs and cats can learn to live together peacefully if they are given time to comfortably get to know each other. Be patient, and take the introduction process slowly and carefully to make sure your cat does not get frightened. If a puppy and kitten are raised together, generally they will learn to tolerate each other right away. While not all dog breeds make good companions for cats, many cats and dogs grow to be great friends, even playing and relaxing together!

How many cats can I keep together?

The number of cats you can care for should always depend on your availability, energy and resources. While some people may be able to balance caring for 3 or 4 cats, for most people, one or two cats is a big enough commitment. Although cats can live in shared spaces, it is important to remember that they originate from a largely solitary species and may feel stressed due to the presence of other cats. Generally if cats do not get along, they tend to remove themselves from the situation rather than fight. If you have two or three cats living together peacefully, we would discourage any new additions as it may cause tension in the household. If you do choose to add a new cat into the household, be sure to introduce the new cat slowly and carefully. The best way to have two cats who live together peacefully is to choose siblings who have grown up together. 

Where should I get a cat from?

If you have decided that you are ready for the responsibilities of keeping a cat, you need to consider the best place to get your new cat or kitten. We highly recommend adopting a cat or kitten. There are various places in the Illawarra and around Australia where you can adopt, including your local RSPCA. If your heart is set on a purebred cat, we recommend finding a reputable breeder

If you’re thinking of getting a cat, make sure you consider all the aspects of owning a cat before making your decision. You should be prepared to provide your new feline friend with human companionship, love, attention and affection, in addition to the basic needs such as food, water, vaccinations, parasite prevention and a clean litter tray daily. Cats make wonderful companions and adding a cat into your family can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience with the right preparation and research. 

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